Defining the FocusTraversalPolicy

Java applies a default focus traversal policy to every frame, internal frame, dialog or desktop pane (which are FocusCycleRoots). RADi allows you to override the defaults.

You can define a focus traversal policy for the top container (the panel containing the design grid), desktop panes, internal frames and, additionally, for containers contained in a JTabbedPane or in a CardPanel (this means that with RADi, JTabbedPane and CardPanel also are FocusCycleRoots).

Why may you want to override Java's default focus traversal? Mainly to exclude components. Additionally a RADi FocusTraversalPolicy can do more as Java's default focus traversal policies, for example it can step out of internal frames.

Select 'Editors | Define FocusTraversalPolicy', then define the focus traversal policy by clicking components in the desired order:
Example 21
When you have finished the definition, click outside the design grid and decide, if you want the new focus traversal policy definition to be stored.

If a panel already has a FocusTraversalPolicy attached, you can remove it by selecting 'Editors | Remove FocusTraversalPolicy'.

Note: In a hierarchical FocusTraversalPolicy containing tabbed panes, card panels, desktop panes or internal frames, all FocusCycleRoots must be contained in their parent's focus traversal policy.